LUDUM DARE 46 - Jam Submission

**NOTE: Please play on full screen


You found yourself lost in a world of shape curse with an odd sphere that are slowly killing you. You could not throw it away as it need you to live and if it died, you would too.  Soon you found out an peculiar skill that allow you to warp to wherever the sphere was. Keep yourself alive, you moved beyond desperate to find an escape.


WASD : Move

Left Mouse Drag And Release: Shoot

Right Mouse Click: Warp

Spacebar: Jump/Double Jump  

How to play:

Combine the shoot and warp ability to traverse the game.

If you have the sphere you will take cursed damage, shoot it out to restore to full health. If the sphere leave you it will take curse damage, pick it up/warp to it to restore it's full health. If either health bar is emptied, you'll lose.

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